Hi, I’m Lily! I’m a minipreneur and have a small business named Lily Lou’s Aromas! I’m going to be 9 on August 21st and I live in Vancouver with my awesome parents and the best little sister (when she’s not acting like a hooligan!). Like the products in my business, I’m vegan and lead a sustainable lifestyle. I try to avoid excess waste where possible and believe in a cruelty-free way of life! I’m passionate about charities and giving back, which is why I have a recycling program, contribute to diverse organizations and have a plant a tree program, amongst other things!
Friends, you say?
I’ll tell you a little anecdote: My mom and I have our self care ritual where we grab a candle to light, go up to my mom’s room, put Friends on and do our nails while we watch the show with snacks and a face mask on. It’s our “us time”, as we call it. Ever since I can remember we’ve always had this ritual, and though we’re so busy now, we try to squeeze it in when we can.This ritual is a part of what led me to being curious about making candles myself. I kept thinking to myself “how hard is it to make these delicious smelling things?”. We were also starting homeschooling for me - which was going so well and I was so proud of myself! - and we started to play “store” with things around the house like my mom’s wax melts and candles. I started learning more math, inventory, sales and having so much fun pretending to own a store, it was a really fun way to learn! Then one day, I asked my parents how hard it would be to make our own wax melts. We did the research and started learning and testing out our products!
I remember our first ever creation was a lavender scented wax melt, and it completely crumbled! We didn’t choose the right wax and so it didn’t work at all. We kept trying and testing, finding out what worked for us and what didn’t. Then we asked my mom’s friend in Spain for some candle making lessons since she makes them in Europe! We learnt so much from her and she gave us so many tips and tricks we still use.
Fish are friends, not food.
It’s important for me to have vegan, cruelty-free products because not only am I vegan, but I want to make sure to save as many animals as possible in my life. It really isn’t fair to me that we use animals for food and for products when there are so many alternatives out there! Why take an animal away from their home when we have so many other things available to use?Being eco-friendly is also so important to me, my family and our business - we only have one home afterall! Our products are all recycled and packaging uses recycled materials. We spent so many hours finding the best fit for our company because it’s important that we lead by example. Too many people waste and too many people don’t know how to recycle properly - so I make sure it’s easy for them when they purchase our products!
Imagination is a gift!
My imagination truly runs wild! I show signs of ADHD, like my dad has, so learning and talking is a little different for me, which is OK! I’m used to it and I love that I can be creative. I love creating on Canva, testing out new aromas and playing around with different colours and scents for new products. Everything I’ve created has been my idea and I get some help from my mom and dad and my whole team to develop the ideas.I’m so grateful that so many of you love my products! My goal is for everyone to have toxin-free and sustainable, eco-friendly products for their home. This way my customers get the best product, we do our part for the earth and we don’t harm any sweet animals in the making!